Oolong Tea


This type of tea has recently become a new idol in our society to fight bad cholesterol.

Oolong tea comes from the same plant that is used to make black and green tea, namely the Camellia sinensis tea plant. The difference lies in the process until it becomes a ready-to-drink tea; Black tea is a type that is fully fermented, green tea is a type that is not fermented, while oolong tea is a type that is not fully fermented.

Due to the incomplete fermentation process, oolong tea has more benefits than black tea. Although the content is not as pure as green tea, the way oolong tea works to help the body maintain its stability is similar to green tea. If green tea is popular in Japan, then oolong tea is more popular in China

Mentioned, has a function to sharpen memory and mental stability, oolong tea contains caffeine which has the theophylline and theobromine. In addition, the oolong can also overcome obesity, and various problems that stem from it such as, cholesterol, narrowing or thickening of blood vessels, and heart disease.