Black Tea

Understand ‘Black Tea


Black tea is made from Camellia leaves, Tea leaves are also used to make green tea, oolong tea and white tea.

The black color comes from the tea leaves that are oxidized so that the color turns brown. The oxidation process forms two compounds, namely theaflavins and thearubigins, which give black tea its distinctive taste and color.

Black tea can be consumed hot or cold. To make tea drinking more enjoyable, you can also add some other ingredients according to taste, such as sugar, honey and fruits.

Today, black tea is also packaged in a modern way, namely in tea bags that are ready to be brewed. With this, of course presenting the benefits of black tea for families is now more practical and easier.

Being a beverage favored by various circles, black tea is also believed to have many health benefits. Here are the health benefits of black tea:
1. The light caffeine content in tea helps a person become calmer and less nervous.
2. Increase mental alertness and concentration.
3. Black tea contains flavonoids that can help the body ward off free radicals and help maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels.
4. The content of phytochemicals in black tea, such as quercetin, can support the immune system (immune).

EVERYONE ENJOYS IT: Tea has been a favorite drink for 500 years. Different countries enjoy it in ways. In Indonesia itself, the type of tea that is often consumed is black tea. You can find this one drink from street stalls to five-star restaurants.